The PGI CDK Cluster Development Kit contains all the software development and cluster management tools you need to get a Linux cluster running production applications. The PGI CDK includes:

Floating multi-user seats for PGI’s parallel Fortran, C, and C++ compilers.
Industry-leading single-processor performance and integrated native support for several popular parallel programming models including OpenMP, MPI, CUDA and OpenACC.
Graphical MPI and OpenMP Linux Cluster debugging (PGDBG) and parallel performance profiling (PGPROF) tools.
Pre-compiled/pre-configured MPICH message-passing libraries and utilities.
Pre-compiled/pre-configured TORQUE resource management and batch queueing system to manage cluster workload and throughput.
Pre-compiled ScaLAPACK parallel math library.
Optimized BLAS and LAPACK serial math libraries.
Tutorial examples and programs to help you get your codes up and running quickly using HPF, OpenMP, and MPI messaging.
Installation utilities to simplify the setup and management of your Linux cluster.
PGI offers the only 32-bit and 64-bit parallel compilers, debugger and profiler available with integrated parallelization support. This results is faster development, higher performance and much higher reliability for the programmer. Also, with PGI CDK there are no parallel runtime fees of any kind– the executables produced by the PGI compilers can be executed on any compatible system regardless of whether the PGI compilers are installed.