Update Software and Firmware Automatically. Analyze Usage Patterns. Make Better Decisions.

Use FlexNet Connect® to provide your end users with the latest updates – automatically, and benefit from product insights and usage analytics.

Know what products and versions your customers are using, or which features they value. Get ready for more frequent updates. FlexNet Connect scales with the software and IoT growth. In 2016, FlexNet Connect handled over 47.5 billion software requests in the Cloud deployment alone, with many more being completed in on-premises deployments.

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Update Software and Firmware Automatically. Analyze Usage Patterns. Make Better Decisions.

Use FlexNet Connect® to provide your end users with the latest updates – automatically, and benefit from product insights and usage analytics.

Know what products and versions your customers are using, or which features they value. Get ready for more frequent updates. FlexNet Connect scales with the software and IoT growth. In 2016, FlexNet Connect handled over 47.5 billion software requests in the Cloud deployment alone, with many more being completed in on-premises deployments.

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