Citrix XenServer

A value leader in the virtualization space, XenServer is an open source platform for cloud, server and desktop virtualization infrastructures. Organizations of any size can install XenServer in less than 10 minutes to virtualize even the most demanding workloads and automate management processes, thereby increasing IT flexibility and agility and lowering TCO. With a rich set of management and automation capabilities, a simple and affordable pricing model and optimizations for virtual desktops and cloud computing, XenServer is designed to optimize datacenters and clouds today and in the future

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Cloud-proven virtualization that is used by the world’s largest clouds, directly integrates with Citrix CloudPlatform and Apache™ CloudStack™ and is built on an open and resilient cloud architecture

Open source, community-driven virtualization from a strong community of users, ecosystem partners and industry contributors that accelerates innovation, feature richness and third-party integration

Value without compromise from a cost-effective and enterprise-ready cloud-proven platform that is trusted to power the largest clouds and run mission-critical applications and large-scale desktop virtualization deployments

Virtualize any infrastructure including clouds, servers and desktops, with a proven, high-performance platform

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  • Nhận được hỗ trợ từ hãng sản xuất và đối tác chính hãng SOFT365 tại Việt Nam.
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